Sales conditions


These general conditions regulate the online sale of the products offered on the website
Chefook is a trademark of the society EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL with its legal and operative headquarters based at Viale dell'industria, 23 - 35023 - BAGNOLI DI SOPRA (PD),ITALY, VAT number and tax code 02714370281, registered at the Chamber of commerce CCIAA di Padova REA 297599 - Reg Imp. 02714370281 - Share capital € 10.000,00 i.v. tel. 049 5342967 fax 049 9535195 mail , pec 

Art. 1 Conclusion of the contract
1.1Orders are subject to approval by EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL. Once the order is correctly received,  EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL will send an e-mail to the Customer to confirm it. The confirmation e-mail will contain the order number, order date, billing data and recipient of the goods, details and prices including VAT of the ordered goods, transport service and additional services, payment methods, EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL data, notes and warnings to the customer. Once the customer order has been received and the payment has been verified, EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL will start the phases of the production/shipment of the goods.
1.2 The products offer presented on the site is subject to their actual availability. In case of unavailability of one or more products, EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL will inform the customer by phone or email about possible changes to his order.
1.3 All items prices offered on the website Chefook are without VAT, expressed in euros and they refer exclusively to purchases made via Internet, net of transport, assembly and installation costs. EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL reserves the right to change the prices displayed at any time, except for the orders already accepted by the parties that will not be affected by price changes. Abroad sales will be VAT excluded after registration on the VIES system.
1.4 The Customer declares to have been informed that the technical data sheets and images related to the products may not perfectly correspond to the actual characteristics of each individual product and may differ in colour, size, accessories, packaging and technical characteristics, and therefore, should be considered merely indicative.
1.5 EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL assumes no responsibility for any mistakes, inaccuracies in the content of this catalogue or changes by manufacturers and reserves the right to make, at any time and without notice, any changes deemed appropriate for any need of a technical or commercial nature.

Art. 2 Acceptance of the Sale General Conditions
2.1. By sending the purchase order electronically, the Customer unconditionally accepts and observes these General Conditions in his dealing with EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL, declaring that he has read them, he accepts all the information provided to him, also noting that the Seller does not consider himself bound by different conditions unless otherwise agreed in writing.

2.2. The Customer declares that he has examined the General Sales Conditions before sending his purchase order and that, once the online purchase procedure has been completed, he agrees to print or save an electronic copy and, in any case, to keep these Conditions, already viewed and accepted, pursuant to and for the purposes of Articles 3 and 4 of Legislative Decree 185/99 and Legislative Decree 206/2005. 

Art. 3 Payment
3.1 The Customer may pay by choosing the following methods: Advance payment by bank transfer made out to EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL at Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena - IBAN Tribano Fil: IBAN: IT 82 T 01030 62950 000000501619 - BIC: PASCITM1V32 - BIC: PASCITM1V32, executed within 24 hours of order confirmation and anticipated in advance by fax to +39 049 9535195 or e-mail to, including taxes and transport costs. Payment by credit card. Payment via Paypal (also in 3 instalments if your account is enabled) payment of the amount is subject to a surcharge of 2% of the order total, excluding VAT, which will be retained in the event of order cancellation and subsequent return.

Art. 4 Delivery
4.1 Delivery is made to the consignee's house number or to a different place indicated in the transport documents (POD), but in any case, to the street level. For unloading and deliveries that require exceptional and additional services, the Customer will be required to pay a fee to cover the additional costs incurred (for example: deliveries to higher or lower floors, in Limited Traffic Area or pedestrian area, disadvantaged areas, smaller islands or all other causes that characterize uncomfortable delivery and any other case of excessive use of operating time). The service is to be requested at the time of order.

4.2 The goods will be delivered between 1 and 30 working days. After the confirmation of payment the approximate date of delivery will be communicated to the customer unless EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL is not responsible for hypothesis of delay/lack of delivery due to unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure (for example, accidents, explosions, fires, strikes, and/or lockouts, earthquakes, floods, heavy snowfalls and similar events) or for any reason attributable to the carrier or supplier.

4.3 The courier delivers without notice. EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL is not responsible for any delays in delivery or additional charges incurred by the customer if an incomplete or incorrect address is provided. The goods travel with regular transport documents, is deemed delivered to the place indicated by the customer at the time of order confirmation, unless otherwise stated.

4.4 For shipments to France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium and Germany, shipping costs will be calculated automatically by the system with a minimum order amount of 200 euros and the order will be automatically processed. For all other countries, the system will advise that the shipping costs, and any duties, will be calculated and sent for acceptance before proceeding with the order.

4.5 The goods ordered are covered by an insurance guarantee for the entire shipping phase. It is customer's responsibility to verify, upon receipt of the goods, the number of packages and the integrity of the product. In case that the goods at the time of verification with the courier are damaged or not intact, the customer has the right to refuse the product and / or indicate in the appropriate section of the form of the courier, the "specific reserve" describing the damage and communicating within 1 working day to EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL by fax to No. 049 9535195 or e-mail to, possibly by sending photos too. In the absence of timely objection, complaints regarding the non-integrity of the products delivered will not be accepted.

4.6 TRANSFER OF RISK, in accordance with the art. 1510 of the Civil Code, the risk of damage and loss of products is transferred to the Customer from the time when the products are dropped off to the carrier itself, precluding any dispute regarding the external characteristics of what was delivered. In this case, any claim must be made directly by the customer against the carrier.

Art. 5 Warranty
5.1 The products purchased by the Customer who is not a consumer (i.e. in the case of purchase as part of his business or professional activity) are covered by the manufacturer's conventional warranty of 12 months for defects of conformity and / or malfunction, not found at the time of purchase.
5.2 In case of a lack of conformity, EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL will send the necessary spare parts to restore the conformity of the product, at no cost for the Customer. The labour costs necessary to restore the product will be responsibility of the customer who must use his local trusted technicians. The Customer is required to verify the goods and its operation within 5 days of delivery. Any defects already present at the moment of the delivery must be reported to EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL within 5 days of receipt of the same by e-mail to, indicating the article code, details and photographs of the defect found.
5.3 In case EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL is unable to return to the Customer a product in warranty (repair or replacement), it may proceed to its consensual replacement with a product of similar or superior characteristics or refund the amount paid considering the use of the good. In case of replacement in warranty, the customer is required to send, at his own expense, the defective product at the operating headquarters of the Seller by sending it to EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL, Viale dell'industria, 23 - 35023 - BAGNOLI DI SOPRA (PD), ITALY.

The item in warranty must be returned by the customer in the original package properly sealed, complete in all its parts. The customer is required to keep the original packaging and all additional documentation of the products purchased until the expiry of the warranty terms of the product.
5.4 EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL shall not be held liable for any damage caused by delays in repairs or replacements. If the defect reported does not result in a lack of conformity pursuant to art. 129 d. lgs 206/2005, the customer will be charged of the costs of verification, restoration and transport, if incurred by EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL.
5.5 EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL assumes no responsibility in the event of incorrect installation or improper use of the products.

It is extremely necessary that the assembly and/or connection of our equipment is carried out exclusively by qualified technicians. The invoice for the assembly and/or connection performed by qualified personnel must be kept for the entire warranty period, as it is decisive for the exercise of the warranty right by the customer.

The warranty does not cover direct or indirect damages caused by errors or discrepancies in the installation or incorrect use of the machine, damage from hard water or rust, from negligence or inability of the user, from irregular voltages of power lines, from insufficient pressure or impurities in water systems or gas, from the malfunction of the extraction systems, or due to fortuitous event or force majeure or unauthorized intervention by third parties.

The warranty does not cover components subject to wear, such as, but not limited to, gaskets, lamps, glass, knobs.

Art. 6 Customer's right of withdrawal

6. 1 The Consumer (private party) has the right to withdraw from the contract without penalty and without specifying the reason within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of the goods by registered letter with return receipt, email or fax to be sent to the operating headquarters of the company EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL, declaring that they wish to make use of the right of withdrawal and indicating the order number, invoice number, code and quantity of the items, if the withdrawal is partial (only in case of purchase of several items) or total and the bank details to obtain the refund transfer (Iban code of the invoice holder). To download the withdrawal form click here.

6.2 EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL will refund the price within a maximum period of 14 (fourteen) days from the day of receipt of the Consumer's communication. In any case, EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL shall be entitled to withhold the refund until the date of receipt of the goods or demonstration by the Consumer that they have been returned. The consumer shall be liable for any diminished value of the goods resulting from handling the goods other than what is necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.

6.3 The consumer shall bear the direct costs of returning the goods. The shipment for the return of the material, until the confirmation of receipt in our warehouse, is under the complete responsibility of the Customer. EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL shall not be liable in any way for damage or theft/loss of goods returned with shipments not insured by the Customer.

6.4 The right of withdrawal is excluded in the following cases:

(a) lack of original packaging;

(b) absence of integral parts of the product (e.g. manuals, accessories and in general different conditions under which they were delivered);

c) damage to the product (e.g. products which are not substantially intact, used or which present deformities, deteriorations, signs of wear and/or alterations of any kind);

d) purchase of customized products according to the indications requested by the Customer.

6.5 The customer is not a consumer (subject with VAT number) does NOT have the right of withdrawal.

Art. 7 Applicable law and jurisdiction
7.1 This contract is ruled by the Italian law. 
7.2 Except in the case of a contract concluded with a Consumer, for all disputes that may arise from the application or interpretation of this contract, the Court of Padua will have exclusive jurisdiction.
7.3 The European Commission has set up an online platform that provides a tool for non-judicial resolution of any dispute relating to and / or arising from contracts for the sale of goods and services concluded online. Consequently, if you are a European consumer, you can use this platform for the resolution of any dispute arising from the online contract stipulated with the Owner.

Art. 8 Ethical Code

EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL adheres to the code of ethics of the Italian Association of Electronic Commerce available at the following link:


Art.9 Copyright

The intellectual property rights relating to the Site, the CHEFOOK Trademark or its content, are and remain exclusive properties of EURODET PROFESSIONAL SRL.

It is expressly forbidden to copy, reproduce, modify, duplicate, create works by copying the site or its contents, including but not limited to photos, images, texts and graphics, audios, videos and animations or drawings.


Sales conditions updated on January the 15th of 2018


+39 049 5342967

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