With Chefook we ship all over the world!
The best catering equipment directly from Italy!

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Chefline On The Press

Saturday, November the 10th, 2018 Eros Stecca, owner of Chefook.com and Chefline.it, appears in the Journal of Vicenza.

Eros Stecca della Chefline.it nel Giornale di Vicenza



Friday, April the 6th, 2018 Friday, Eros Stecca, owner of Chefook.com and Chefline.it, appears on page 16 of the Gazzettino di Padova to witness the resounding success of Padua e-commerce. Read the article!

Eros Stecca della Chefline.it nel Gazzettino di Padova, Venerdì 6 aprile 2018

Chefline.it, e-commerce miracle, in December 2015 was a young reality but already made the news! Read the article in Il Mattino Di Padova: 02/12/2015.

Eros Stecca della Chefline.it nel Mattino di Padova, 02-12-2015


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